Saturday, August 25, 2012


                                                       !Hola estudiantes!

Espero que hayan tenido un buen fin de semana -I hope you have had a good weekend-
Aqui tienen un corto resumen de los temas y  las actividades que desarrollaremos esta semana. -Here you will find a short summary of topics / activities for this week.

6h grade Heritage class: 6th period
We will continue working on numbers, body parts, time , alphabet, etc. as part of:
"Para empezar". We will also start our zone of reading - Lectura

7th grade class (No-Heritage class): 1st period
We will continue working on Pictionario 1: Lugares y verbo  - ir a. We will also start our zone of reading - Lectura

7th grade Heritage class: 2nd period
We will be finishing our topic about Punctuation - Signos de Puntuación / and vocabulary about places. We will be also starting our zone of reading -Lectura

8th grade class (No-Heritage class): 5th period
We will be reviewing vocabulary about Technology; I will start the topic about Past tense with regular verbs and we will be finishing our week with zone of reading - Lectura

8th grade Heritage class: 3rd period
We will be finishing our topic about Punctuation - Signos de Puntuación; and we will start past tense of regular verbs. We will be finishing our week with zone of reading - Lectura


*PORTAFOLIO: Checking Monday + Tuesday August 27 and 28
*OPEN HOUSE: Thursday August 30. If your parents come to see me you will get a FREE HW PASS
*DEFICIENCIES NOTICE: will go out on Wednesday September 5
*TAREA: Same for all my classes: It is going to be about how to use some helpful websites
*NO HAY CLASE: We will be celebrating Labor Day on September 3rd - No class


* Quizzes: los miércoles (on Wednesdays)
** Tarea (HW): los viernes (on Fridays)
*** Tutoria: los miércoles  a las 7:45am- 8:30am

Please be kind to each other and don't forget to protect animals, they need us.
Espero que tengan una buena semana
Join The Humane Society of the USA or ASPCA: we are their voice
           Have a great week

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Semana 3 Del 20 al 24 de Agosto de 2012 (Week 3 from August 20 to 24 2012)

Ha sido un éxito nuestras dos primeras semanas:

Our first school week was a success. Congratulations ¡FELICITACIONES! for your great attitude and participation in class. I look forward to start our first units:
6th grade: ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
7th grade: ¿Adónde vas?
8th grade: Argentina -El Cibercafé

This week: We will start working on vocabulario. We need to start learning new words in order to enrich our speaking.
Don’t worry about making mistakes always try your best. And you will be surprised at all that you can learn.
IMPORTANT: Don’t forget the slip than comes with the syllabus, please ask your parents to sign it.This was your "tarea" for last week. However, some of you didn't turn in it.

 Your Portafolio is an important tool. Remember it is the evidence of your work and dedication. You will need a binder for this.

Tarea: Por favor lea la página de tareas (above link)


Please be kind to each other and don't forget to protect animals, they need us.
Espero que tengan una buena semana
Join The Humane Society of the USA or ASPCA: we are their voice
           Have a great week!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


SEMANA 1: DEL 6 AL 10 DE AGOSTO 2012 - WEEK 1: FROM AUGUST 6 TO 10 2012
SEMANA 2: DEL 13 AL 17 DE AGOSTO 2012 -WEEK 2: FROM AGUST 13 TO 17 2012

¡Hola a todos!  Hello all!! Bienvenidos a Sra. Garzon’s website.

Welcome back to this school year. I hope you have had a wonderful summer and good rest. This blog is going to help parents, students, and me to keep in touch and informed easily. Here you can also have access pages specific to your class, find practice materials and activities to help you become a cougar at Spanish. Join in class discussions about topics posted, and explore the Spanish side of our globe!

 For this first two weeks of school, we will be reading the syllabus, having the diagnostic tes and getting familiar with rules and expectations.

SEMANA 39: DEL 11 AL 15 DE MAYO- WEEK 39: FROM MAY 11 TO 15 2020

OCTAVA SEMANA VIRTUAL                                                                                                                ...