Sunday, March 31, 2013


!Espero que hayan tenido una feliz Pascua!
I hope you had a happy Easter !

April 8th to 12th is Spring Break!!! Hurra
Portafolio Interactivo to be revised very soon! Have it updated, completed and corrected!
This week 8th grade Period 3, 5 and 6th grade Period 6

CRCT and CRCT-M starts on April 23, 2013:
April 23rd:  Reading
April 24th: ELA
April 25th: Math
April 26th: Science
April 29th: Social Studies
April 30th to May 2nd: Make-up

Una mirada para esta semana:
7th grade 1st period: No Heritage class
No- Heritage class:
M: Oral presentation: My ideal house + ser / estar practice
T:  Telehistoria 2 + ser / estar  oral practice
W: Ordinal Numbers
TH: Ordinal Number
F: Cultural Project 4 Oral Presentation: Hispanic Celebration

Quiz: No hay
Hw: Keep working on your project 4 Celebrations
7th grade 2nd period: Heritage class:
Heritage class:
M: Cultural Project 4: Hispanic Celebration: Semana Santa
T: Reading: La plena y la bomba
W: Mayuscula: Continuacion: Rules / Palabras más usadas que llevan tilde
TH: Ecuador / New unit 4: Vocabulary
F: Cultural Project: Oral Presentation
Quiz: No hay
Hw: Keep working on project 4 Celebrations
8th grade 3rd period: Heritage class
M: Culture: Project 4: Oral presentation Panama + Paraguay + Organizacion: Portafolio
T: Mayuscula + Correction of the unit test 3
W: Vocabulary Unit 4 Vamos de vacaciones
TH: Vocabulary Unit 4 Vamos de vacaciones/ the most common words with tilde
F: Culture Project4 : Oral Presentation:
Quiz: No hay
Hw: Homework:  Have the Portafolio organized/ keep working on Cultural project 4 (those who have not presented)
Portafolio  Interactivo 3
1.      Frases para corregir
2.      Vocabulario y gramatica Unit 3 Talk about a daily routine pagina 251+ practica 1 y 2 pag: 231-1/28- 29/13
3.      Copia : Vocabulario 148 + 149 
4.      Chart conjugacion verbos reflexivos 2/1/13
5.      Copias:  ejercicios verbos reflexivos pagina 20/ mi rutina diariaGramatica A/B reflexive verbs
6.      Copia: Presente progresivo 254 +256 + ejercicios 14 +15 paginas libro 241 242
7.      Tarjeta Postal Pag 243 Ejercicio 18. Copia was provided:
8.      Copia: Diptongos
9.      Practica de pronunciación letras ll, y, z, + Dictados
10.  Repaso de la Leccion pag: 252 + 253

8th grade 5th period: Heritage and No-Heritage class
M: Culture: Project 4: Oral presentation Panama + Paraguay + Organizacion: Portafolio
T: Mayuscula + Correction of the unit test 3
W: Vocabulary Unit 4 Vamos de vacaciones
TH: Vocabulary Unit 4 Vamos de vacaciones/ the most common words with tilde
F: Culture Project4 : Oral Presentation:
Quiz: No hay
Hw: Homework:  Have the Portafolio organized/ keep working on Cultural project 4 (those who have not presented
Portafolio  Interactivo 3
1.   Frases para corregir
2. Vocabulario y gramatica Unit 3 Talk about a daily routine pagina 251+ practica 1 y 2 pag:   231-1/28- 29/13
3.      Copia : Vocabulario 148 + 149 
4.      Chart conjugacion verbos reflexivos 2/1/13
5.      Copias:  ejercicios verbos reflexivos pagina 20/ mi rutina diariaGramatica A/B reflexive verbs
6.      Copia: Presente progresivo 254 +256 + ejercicios 14 +15 paginas 241 242
7.      Tarjeta Postal Pag 243 Ejercicio 18. Copia was provided:
8.      Copia: Diptongos
9.      Practica de pronunciación letras ll, y, z, + Dictados
10.  Repaso de la Leccion pag: 252 + 253

6th grade 6th period: Heritage class
M: Brochure: La escuela de Idiomas + organización de portafolio Interactivo 3
T: Oral presentacion: La escuela de idiomas
W: Continuacion de las mayusculas
TH: Telehistorias / Vocabulary Unit 4
F: Vocabulary Unit 4 + Portafolio Interactivo 3 due
Quiz: No hay
Hw: Portafolio : organize + complete
Portafolio Interactivo 3
1.      Vocabulario Unit 3  Como eres? + Vocabulario To talk about your school day  1/10/13
2.      Copia Definite + Indefinite Articles / Agreement of adjectives
3.      Actividades: #8, #11   1/14/13
4.      Diptongos
5.      Practica: Word order Pagina 72 Actividad 23   ¿Cómo es? Página 74 Actividad
6.      Copias paginas  23, 24, 27, 29
7.      Chart: -ar verbs
8.      Practica de pronunciación letras ll, y, z, + Dictados
9.     Workbook: 29, 30, 35, 36, 37, 38
10. Carta
* Quizzes: los miércoles (on Wednesdays)
** Tarea (HW): los viernes (on Fridays)
*** Tutoria: los miércoles  a las 7:45am- 8:30am

Please be kind to each other and don't forget to protect animals
they need us.
Espero que tengan una buena semana
Join The Humane Society of the USA, ASPCA: we are their voice,
National Wildlife Federation, Guiding eyes for the Blind,

PETA and World Wildlife Fund

Sunday, March 24, 2013

SEMANA 32: DEL 25 AL 29 DE MARZO (WEEK 32: FROM MARCH 25 TO 29 2012)

April 8th to 12th is Spring Break
Portafolio Interactivo to be revised very soon! Have it updated, completed and corrected!
This week 7th grade Period 2
 CRCT and CRCT-M starts on April 23, 2013:
April 23rd:  Reading
April 24th: ELA
April 25th: Math
April 26th: Science
April 29th: Social Studies
April 30th to May 2nd: Make-up

Una mirada para esta semana:
7th grade 1st period: No Heritage class
M: Project 4 Oral Presentation +SER+ ESTAR+IR: Irregular verbs: Practice exercise
T:  Irregular verbs practice +Telehistoria 2: Answer questions
W: Ordinal Numbers: Exercises
TH: Ordinal Number: Practice + oral presentation: Mi apartamento ideal
F: Project 4 Oral Presentation + oral presentation: Mi apartamento ideal

Quiz: No hay
Hw: Keep working on your project 4 Celebrations + Oral presentation: Mi apartamento ideal
7th grade 2nd period: Heritage class
M: Unit Review Repaso de la Unidad + Organizacion Portafolio
T: Reading: Correction + New reading: Bomba y Plean
W: Mayuscula: Rules
TH: Unit Test
F: Project: Oral Presentation: Semana Santa + Portafolio

Quiz: No hay
Hw: Study for chapter test on Thursday March 28 + keep working on project 4 Celebrations + Portafolio
Portafolio 3
1.      Practica de Vocabulario Páginas 3 y 4
2.      Practica de gramática pagina 6 Ejercicio 7 y 8
3.      Actividades 12 y 13 Pagina 34
4.      Repaso Parte 1 pagina 36 y 37
5.      Copia: Stem-changing verbs + Ejercicio copy
6.      Vocabulario Unit 3 Paginas 45 Ejercicios 1 +2 + workbook paginas 197 + 198
7.      Copia de Diptongos
8.      Copia Practica de pronunciación letras z, l, ll y + Dictados
9.      Ejercicios 17 página 55 + Ejercicio 19 Pagina 56
10.  Repaso páginas 66 y 67 Ejercicios 2,3,4
8th grade 3rd period: Heritage class
M: Grammar Review: Using Reflexive verbs and present progressive: Repaso General
T: Reading: Mexico y sus jóvenes: Reading aloud + comprehension
W: Mayusculas:
TH: Unit Test
F: Project : Oral Presentation Salvado – Peru /Panama Paraguay

Quiz: Chapter/Unit test 3 Thursday March 28
Hw: Study for your test + keep working on your project

8th grade 5th period: Heritage and No-Heritage class
M: Grammar Review: Using Reflexive verbs and present progressive: Repaso General
T: Reading: Mexico y sus jóvenes: Reading aloud + comprehension
W: Mayusculas:
TH: Unit Test
F: Project : Oral Presentation Salvado – Peru /Panama Paraguay

Quiz: Chapter/Unit test 3 Thursday March 28
Hw: Study for your test + keep working on your project

 6th grade 6th period: Heritage class
M: Vocabulary: page 144 reading + spelling
T: Videohistoria: Comprehension questions
W: Mayusculas: Practice
TH: Mayusculas: Practice
F: Reading: La encuesta escolar

Quiz: No hay
Hw: Write a paragraph about what would be advantages + disadvantages of using uniforms at the school.

* Quizzes: los miércoles (on Wednesdays)
** Tarea (HW): los viernes (on Fridays)
*** Tutoria: los miércoles  a las 7:45am- 8:30am

Please be kind to each other and don't forget to protect animals
they need us.

Espero que tengan una buena semana
Join The Humane Society of the USA, ASPCA: we are their voice,
National Wildlife Federation, Guiding eyes for the Blind,
PETA and World Wildlife Fund

SEMANA 39: DEL 11 AL 15 DE MAYO- WEEK 39: FROM MAY 11 TO 15 2020

OCTAVA SEMANA VIRTUAL                                                                                                                ...