Sunday, April 21, 2013

SEMANA 34 + 35: DEL 15 AL 26 DE ABRIL (WEEK 34+35: FROM APRIL 15 TO 26 2013)

April 23rd:  Reading
April 24th: ELA
April 25th: Math
April 26th: Science
April 29th: Social Studies
April 30th to May 2nd: Make-up
UNA MIRADA PARA ESTA SEMANA EN LA CLASE DE ESPANOL: We will be correcting the following work this week. We will be also rescheduling the presentations of the projects.
*7th grade 1st period: No Heritage class
Book: Avancemos (under each student’s desk)
Ordinal numbers:  page 57 exercises 20: Escribir.  + translation of the Telehistoria complete paga  58
After the translation of the Telehistoria page 58, students can do exercise 21, 22 page 59
Repaso de la lección:
Page 66 + 67: exercises 2,3,4,
Thursday and Friday
BooK: Lecturas para Hispanohablantes: each desk has one
Los Latinos de Estados Unidos: Pages 3-7
1.      Translate to English what each person says.
2.      Exercises:  page 6:
Vocabulario de la lectura: complete the spaces with the right word according to the reading
Pronunciacion y ortografia: A. Complete with the letter “a”
B. Write the name of the person who said that

3.      Exercise: Page 7 : Comprendiste: Answer questions
4.      Conexion Personal: write 5 questions to one of the persons in the reading

**7th grade 2nd period: Heritage class
Book: Avancemos (under each student’s desk)
Presentacion del vocabulario (vocabulary):  Read pages 70, 71, 72 and exercises: 1, 2 on pages 73 if time allows read Telehistoria  escena 1
Tuesday :
Ask students to make a chart (graph) about the chores or responsibilities they have at home. They can draw a picture/ make a timetable/ schedule to show it. Write a paragraph about it. Use vocabulary from the unit. You can find paper on the table or ask Mr. Kossi (next door for paper)
After reading Telehistoria escena 1 page 74, students can do exercises 3, 4, page 75 and continue with the graph or pic of their chores + responsibilities at home.
Thursday + Friday:
BooK: Lecturas para Hispanohablantes: each desk has one
Reading: El coqui pages 50 -54
1.      Page 50 Estrategia de lectura: fill out with information you know about “coquis”
2.      Write 10 words that describe “forest”
3.      Write 10 words that have the combination “QU-“
4.      Write 5 sentences showing information about the “coquies”
5.      Write a paragraph 5- 8 lines about an animal you like and describe it, write where it lives, habitat- and all information you can get about it.
6.      Go to page 53 + 54 and work on it.

*** 8th grade 5th period: Heritage and No-Heritage class
Book: Avancemos (under each student’s desk)
Presentacion del vocabulario (vocabulary):  Read pages 256, 257 and 258 and do exercises: 1, 2 on page 259 if time allows read Telehistoria  escena 1
After reading Telehistoria escena 1 page 260, students can do exercises 3, 4, page 261 and did you get it: 1,2,3
Students will read page 268 “Presentacion de gramatica” and they will do actividad   14, 16 and 17
Thursday + Friday:
BooK: Lecturas para Hispanohablantes: each desk has one
Reading: El coqui pages 50 -54
1.      Page 50 Estrategia de lectura: fill out with information you know about “coquis”
2.      Write 10 words that describe “forest”
3.      Write 10 words that have the combination “QU-“
4.      Write 5 sentences showing information about the “coquies”
5.      Write a paragraph 5- 8 lines about an animal you like and describe it, write where it lives, habitat- and all information you can get about it.
6.      Go to page 53 + 54 and work on it.

****6th grade 6th period: Heritage class
Book: Realidades( red book) (under each student’s desk)
A primera vista: Presentacion del vocabulario (vocabulary):  Read pages 118, 119 then, they will read the videohistoria pages 120 -122 and on page 123 students will do activity 3 and 4
Page 124 activity 5 and 6 the page 125 activity 7
Draw a pic or map of the Spanish classroom (color it) and locate the following items: Write sentences stating where they are:
Example: La pizarra esta delante de la clase
1.      Pizarra (board)
2.      Bandera (flag)
3.      Escritorio (teacher’s desk)
4.      Estante para diccionarios (shelver for dictionaries
5.      Ventana (window)
6.      Computadores (computers
7.      Libros de español (books)
8.      Mesa (table)
9.      El cartel de MLK (display of MLK)
10.  Puerta (door) either one
Thursday + Friday:
BooK: Lecturas para Hispanohablantes: each desk has one
Reading: El coqui pages 50 -54
1.      Page 50 Estrategia de lectura: fill out with information you know about “coquis”
2.      Write 10 words that describe “forest”
3.      Write 10 words that have the combination “QU-“
4.      Write 5 sentences showing information about the “coquies”
5.      Write a paragraph 5- 8 lines about an animal you like and describe it, write where it lives, habitat- and all information you can get about it.
6.      Go to page 53 + 54 and work on it.
 Please be kind to each other and don't forget to protect animals they need us.
Espero que tengan una buena semana
Join The Humane Society of the USA, ASPCA: we are their voice,
National Wildlife Federation, Guiding eyes for the Blind,
PETA and World Wildlife Fund

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SEMANA 39: DEL 11 AL 15 DE MAYO- WEEK 39: FROM MAY 11 TO 15 2020

OCTAVA SEMANA VIRTUAL                                                                                                                ...