Saturday, January 21, 2012

SEMANA 24: DEL 23 AL 27 DE ENERO (WEEK 24: JANUARY 23- 27)

Hola estudiantes y padres,
I hope you (students and parents) read this entire blog post since there is some important information that I want you to be aware of concerning to grades and activities.

If you have checked the parent portal you have noticed there are no grades posted yet. We  are facing some problems with Infinite Campus. I am hoping people in the system will have it fixed by this coming week. Please parents, speak with your child about their grades in order to ensure they are doing their work. We have five (5) different grades so far. 

For this coming week, we will continue working on chapter (unit) 3:
8th -7th grades: Los Deportes:Stem changing verbs and letters G / J
Quiz #11: on Wednesday January 25 - Stem changing verbs group 1 & 2
Unit Test #3: on Wednesday February 1

6th grade: La Escuela: Description using adjectives and writing paragraphs. 
Quiz #11: on Wednesday January 25 - Adjectives

Tarea / Homework in Spanish is weekly and it is assigned every first day of the week and turn it on Friday.  I have noticed that many students are not doing their homework. Remember:one way you can review topics seen in class is doing the homework and besides that it is another grade that can affect your final grade. You can read information about homework below in the chart or on the page at the right of this blog.

Cougar Spanish Club: We will meet this coming Friday on January 27 at 7:30am in Chalet 7. We will be celebrating "El dia del amor y de la amistad". We hope to see all the member there!

For more specific information for the units/ chapter we are studying please see the following chart:

7th /8th Grade
Periods: 1, 2, 3
UNIT 3: Republica Dominicana
Lesson 1: ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito?

What are the most common sports in Spanish speaker countries?
What sports are the most common among young people?

Essential Questions: Do you like to play or watch sports with your friends? Which is your favorite? What do you think about having boys and girls playing in the same sport team?

MLI.CCC3A: Recognize similarities/ differences between target language and English
MLII.P2B: Demonstrate comprehension of material
MLII.CUI: Understand perspectives, practices and products of the cultures where the target language is spoken and how they are interrelated
MLII.CCC3A: Compare vocabulary usage and structural patterns of the target language with English

NLRL1.INT1E: Expand knowledge of academic vocabulary in the native language
NLRL1.IP1A: Express needs and desires
NLRL1.IP1B: Express emotions and preferences
NLRL1.IP2A:Participate in extended oral and written activities using the appropriate tenses and discourse structures
NLRL1.IP2E: Demonstrate Intermediate- Mid to Intermediate High proficiency in oral and written changes with respect to pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics

Area of interaction (IB): Health and Social Education, Human ingenuity, approaches to learning
IB Objectives:
Communicate information, ideas and opinion
Demonstrate comprehension of specific factual information and attitudes, expressed in spoken and written contexts
Identify main ideas and supporting details and draw conclusions from spoken and written contexts
Understand and appropriately use structures and vocabulary
Request and provide information in both spoken and written contexts
Engage actively in oral production using comprehensible pronunciation and intonation

Vocabulary: Sports
Verbs: jugar and stem-changing verbs, saber, conocer, letters G -J
       -Vocabulary: New words / practice
       -Grammar: Stem changing verbs / practice
       -Pictionario / Diario
        Tarea (hw):  1st period: List of words relate to some sports
                             2nd 3rd periods: Rule for 5 sports
6 th Grade
Period :5 and 6
Lesson 1: Tu día en la escuela
Lesson 2: Tu sala de clase

What activities do you do at school?
How do you compare your school with that of a student in a Spanish-speaking country? What would it be your ideal schedule?

Essential QuestionsHow does the noun-adjective agreement rule work to describe people? – How do we use the verb SER (To be) to describe yourself and others? – How good are you at knowing the meaning of some of the infinitive verbs? What activities do you do at school? What are the school subjects you have this year? What would it be your ideal schedule?

MLI.IP1B: Express like/ dislikes, emotions, and agreement/disagreement
MLI.IP1C: Make simple request
MLI.IP1E: Give simple description
MLI.CU1C: Describe cultural customs and traditions

NLRL1.INT1D: Expand knowledge of academic vocabulary in the native language
NLRL1.P1D: Demonstrate Intermediate-Mid to Intermediate-High proficiency in oral and written presentations with respect to pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics
Area of interaction (IB): Health and Social Education, Human ingenuity, approaches to learning
IB Objectives:
Communicate information, ideas and opinions
Demonstrate comprehension of specific factual information and attitudes, expressed in spoken and written contexts
Identify main ideas and supporting details and draw conclusions from spoken and written contexts
Understand and appropriately use structures and vocabulary
Request and provide information in both spoken and written contexts
Engage actively in oral production using comprehensible pronunciation and intonation

Definite / indefinite articles
-ar verbs
 - Writing paragraphs
 - Adjective practice
 - Pictionario
 - Vocabulary:  
      Tarea (hw): Finish Pictionario


Riefs Down Under said...

hi senora garzon, it's murphy rief writing in from australia. i am taking spanish again the only problem is that i am stuck in a class with beginers and there is no way i can get in an advanced class. i would like to stay on the same level as my class so it would mean the world to me if you could send me the work that you have been doing since i left. here's my email:

thanks and miss the whole class(tell everyone that except mikcal)

Riefs Down Under said...

sorry forgot htis info. my mom started a blog( Riefs Down Under) if you want to check out what we've done. i am going to start one soon.

SEMANA 39: DEL 11 AL 15 DE MAYO- WEEK 39: FROM MAY 11 TO 15 2020

OCTAVA SEMANA VIRTUAL                                                                                                                ...